My blue jeans are damp...with the dew of excitement and anxiety.
I'm stressed and emotionless
Slightly irritable and frightened out of my mind....
It always feels like a dream....
Fantasies playing back like memories locked in a secret passageway abandoned by the ancients...
Where as I just found my ...
It was on the tip of my tongue.
For a second I lost it all.
For a second I was merely a corpse ...
My spirit staped with a million jabs.
My soul ...
Lost on its way home.
I'd never cared so much as to beg....
My pride locked up and forse fed.
Ripping my flesh into shreds.
My ego ... Humble.
These fragile bones are not yet weary.
I see the light ahead.
The sun slowly peeking its face up out of the darkness of night.
I can't reach you now.
Your rem yet lingers still ...
While my heart yearns for your utterance ...
Just say something ...
Even if the words are "fuck me."