Friday, November 30, 2012


Because of you I am chained
Because of you I bleed from the inside out
Because of you I walk like I have ALL EYES ON ME
Hoping to catch the glance of some handsome man
that in some way or another reminds me of you.
The man I hate
the man I love
You, my father. 

since I was a kid I yearned for your attention,
Your smile
Your acceptance.
Because you were my favorite
you were my everything
I thought you understood me 

you were my road dog, 
you were my shoulder
you were my savior
and without you I ran for a replica
a clone,
a simular feeling that only you gave me.
your baby girl,  
your bunny,

"Once Aboard... You can never Abort." 

 Here I lie, 
Strapped between the divided lines that pave the path for many to come. 
Many will come and go but only one will stay and linger, 
Only one will press on for months on months to come and then, 
And only then,
 When he is ready will he depart me
Will he leave me, 
This walking mass of energy that was once his home
He will leave me and take cover else where. 
For this motherboard was only his foundation,
His template,
His outline,
that will help shape the very essence of his Galaxy.
Bye Bye from mommy baby. 
Bye Bye from mommy. 

Monday, October 22, 2012

Who Gets the last Drop?

When it's down to the wire,
Who will be getting the last drop?

Come Join my Group Galactic- Dope- nicity


Friday, October 19, 2012

Touch of a Man.

I see them all.
Those locks, your lips, that nose, them eyes, 
Your height, your size, that color, that mind.
But your touch...
A great surprise.
Your hands just right, caressing my skin oh my
Ecstasy takes over me and removes my sight.

I  feel the very essence of a man,
Yet the anxious curiosity of a child,
His body hovers over me,
Ready to rid me of my veil. 

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Smiling Within the Rain Drops

Inspiration:listening to"Rain"By: Brian Crain

The dreary sky's so full of wonder, 
Echoing sighs and cries of despair,
No fair for the RIP
 No rip.
 No tear.
Simply yearning for patience, happiness, life...
In a world that has nothing but disappointments.

But despite the drips that leave dew on your door step,
You keep alive the already fallen leaves,
& hold breath for the dream of spring.

So when the rain drops fall on everyones parade, 
 No one dares to frown,
 For it was time, 
That time was now,
When humanity smiles to the clouds. 

A guide, a road, a helping hand,
That moods your day,
That foreshadows your plans,
That leave you wide open,
That lone you of your clan. 

These days are frequent,
Yesterday's today,
 whatever the weather,
Smile within the Rain. 


Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Stabbed by a Kiss

The way it creeped was rare but I know its kind
The ones that walk slow and simply bat their eyes
The ones that appear naive but are mighty wise
They will never stand alone and will always take a side
They are the fillers of the land
the beauty behind the fan
a person begging for a chance but will never lift a hand
A pawn
A puppet
An evil twisted spirit
Who defiles the different and worships the crickets
But who am I to down play a master of the game
for you enjoyed the show that sadly gave you fame
so while you sit in your room thinking about your play
 was it neccesary just to make the gang?
Deep down you regret it
you know you did injustice
but what's done is done, so shoo be gone, don't make a ruckus
But at night when you lay asleep
don't forget about me
the soul that tried to guide you 
The soul you took as weak
The soul you lied on
the soul you prayed upon
A godly spirit, meant to cherish, that you just made a fun.

Thursday, September 13, 2012


I thought this period gone.
A door locked behind me.

A key I thought I tossed,
but yet you lie right before me.

Should I be weary of your return?
Should I welcome you with open arms?

Should I be so frightened that this darkness must take form?

That my dreams are creeping up a storm.
& that my world is un-puzzling.
seeking forth a new picture for its pieces. 

Of what image shall appear...
My heart sit cold,
My soul lingers near.

This happening is of no wonder,
The birds have yet to miss forecast.
But did I yield?

I ran towards the lion unarmed and emotionally moribund. 
Expecting it pity, but it gave rouge. 

So what of me now...
A body seeking questions and answers.
Is this not a sadness beyond all sadness?

The dark river calls for me.
A boat I thought familiar.

A new journey, A new darkness, 
An ever changing self- Awareness. 

I thought I was awake...

I still lay asleep.

Friday, August 24, 2012

"Broken Chills"

There's a shiver that i feel from the inside out,
A cold winter that leaves trails of frost bite on my heart,
It's not shattered but i believe its frozen shut,

I can't love, i can't feel, i can't breathe,
I lay a prisoner to my own body,
A slave to the voices that roar in the night,

Those words….those words,

They spring life from the death of me,
They seek the truth of eternity.


Sunday, April 1, 2012

The Victor, By C.W. Longenecker

If you think you are beaten, you are.
If you think you dare not, you don't.
If you like to win but think you can't,
It's almost a cinch you won't.
If you think you'll lose, you're lost.
For out in the world we find
Success begins with a fellow's mind.
If you think you are outclassed, you are.
You've got to think high to rise.
You've got to be sure of yourself before
You can ever win a prize.
Life's battles don't always go
To the stronger or faster man.
But soon or later, the man who wins
Is the man who thinks he can.

( grace and love to my grandmother Joan Butler)

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Her name, well... what people call her is snaps. Hmmm...I suppose it's catchy. She appears to be together but is rather an outer shell of a hive of busy bees. When she's not smiling it appears as if her world's been flipped upside down but in all truth she is just thinking... thinking about "what's next?" "What can I do to make my situation better?" " what to do?" what to do?" She never stops thinking. Always analyzing and loving and embracing the chaos of the realms surrounding her. She strives to be care free but can't help but worry about all outcomes. She consistently paints vivid pictures.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Another Audacity MIX

My Audacity MIX

Reciprocity Live Teen Edition Show" Take 1 "Documentary

Edge of my CAGE -Tion

It breathes.
Moves with a tremble that sends sensations up white bones,
That tingle the nerves within it's skull.
It's a she.
She sinks into her breasts and gently caresses her chin against WARMTH,
Against EARTH,
Against LIFE.
How about you try this...
(a hard back book is slid towards her that clearly reads in all capital letters EDUCATION)
She crawls toward the book like a curious child.
Opens the book and eyes widen bigger than grapefruit.
She is learning.
Pages and pages torn,
Some ripped and some slept with.
Pages and pages read,
Some cut and some posted.
Pages and pages memorized,
Some forgotten yet some neglected because she could not dare embrace them...Or could she?
Everyday a new book was slid to her.
Every hour a new book was tossed at her.
Every minute a new book was thrown to her.
Every second a new book on Education was whipped on her.
EDUCATION she knew.
EDUCATION she ate.
EDUCATION she slept with.
EDUCATION she was.
But life...she had never been.
Caged in this crayon box full of hues as to why EDUCATION is a must have.
 They will embrace your ink letters like GODS of a planet unknown,
Because those ink letters and that flimsy piece of paper is all they know.
So when I decide to unlock this cage,
When I decide to rip the pages on pages and books on books of EDUCATION away from you and open the bars of enclosure...
(opens the cage)
 I'll tell you what...
And you will beg me to lock the cage back up,
And you will tell me that it's not a cage...
It's your cell,
It's your baby,
It's your bed,
It's your body,
It's your mind,
It's your home,
You will tell me it's YOU.
(screams "IT'S ME!")

Friday, January 20, 2012

What is SNAPS doing now???

So before I begin with everything on my agenda, I would like to give a big thanks to Ms. Jay for pushing me to complete my DIFF film. I had taken all the footage for my documentary way back in september and had never actually put everything together.... simply because i didn't know how... or I was scared... or ..well as of now it doesn't matter how I felt because I DID IT! So as of now I"m finishing up my documentary and also preparing for my next film that will be entitile " EDGE of my CAGE- Tion".... lol what real word is this?

Creator of the Mother Board

My photo
Dallas, TX, United States
Sagacious.Natural.African.Poetic.Sista- born Kiera Saivonne Williams is a Dallas, TX native, is currently a sophomore at Huston-Tillotson University in Austin,TX where she stands as a W.E.B Dubois scholar majoring in communications. Within her first year in college she has managed to attain a 4.0 GPA, Deans list, Honor roll, the Ramnites dance team, and the pageant title of MISS GOLD. She has done African dance for 3 years and she has recently acquired the position of secretary and head photographer of TBS Photography, a family business started by her grandfather. She is a poet, playwright, song writer, actress, visual artist, and creator. She has a passion for science and mathematics and has a great interest in alternative medicine.

The Passengers Aboard

~Language of the MotherBoard

"It's all about what you're going to do once you have the lemons...are you going to make lemonade? or are you simply going to complain about not having any sugar? I made lemon water, and liked it so much till when I had some sugar I preferred the lemon water. Till this day I enjoys me a glass of Lemon Water."

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